Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Section 4- Counterintelligence

 This section is all about some documents known as the MJ-12 papers.  They are papers that are allegiedly written about secret meeting with Truman about Extraterresterials.  Some believe these papers were falsified while others believe them to be genuine. 

Chapter 31 begins with the events that cause Phil Klass to become involved with the government's surveillance of  Paul Bennowitz.' First he skimmed a copy of John G. Fuller's book.Incident at Exeter 

He started to review the information in the book.  The published his findings in Aviation Week. He then reviewed the 500 sightings in the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and became an expert on UFOs.
This led to a dinner with Bennett Cerf and Frank Sinatra for Thanksgiving. Klass talked with them about UFOs and then Random House published his book, UFOs: The Public Deceived, in 1968.

Klass, then was on the case of verifying the MJ-12 documents.  "He wrote that 'Either' ...' the documents were 'the biggest news story of the past two milliennia or one of the biggest cons ever attempted against the public...'"

Chapter 32 
Bill Moore was also invvenstigating the MJ documents are felt that the the verification or falsification of the documents would set up whether UFO sighting would be taken seriously or as a joke for years to come. Using his "The Philadelphia Experiment" money, in 1979 he moved to Arizona so he could write about UFOs all the time. Moore became interested in UFOs after listening to a speaker at his astronomy club and reading the book "Behind the Flying Saucers" by Frank Scully.

Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz wrote and published the book "The Roswell Incident" in 1980.  
While on doing radio interviews to promote his book, Moore was contacted by someone who said "You're the only person we've ever heard who seems to be on the right track"  This is how he met a person who became known as Falcon. Falcon was allegedly a person high up in the intelligence community.  He made a deal with Moore.  If Moore helped him find out about Project Beta, his organization would help him with research

Chapter 33

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finishing Section 3

Chapters 26-29 recount some of the happenings with Elmwood Wisconsin and the UFO working group. 
One of the residents, a Methodist minister, voices his objection to the "UFO Days" that are being planned at Elmwood.  He uses a two-pronged attack:
  1. people are bowing down to the UFO as a "golden calf" rather than seeking spiritual guidance from God
  2. their was only only Jesus, who died for our sins, so the aliens must be evil.
Of course I am oversimplifying, but that those are the main ideas.

While, I was reading I couldn't help but think of this as happening in the 50's but this was in 1988.  I also looked up Elmwood Wisconsin and they apparently still have the UFO Days.  They even have a Facebook page set up for them  UFO Days in Elmwood

Then the book joins the UFO Working Group where they had two "undercover" people getting all sorts of information from people at the celebration. They also talk to a professor of exobiology, Cyril Ponnamperuma.  Exobiology is the study of what life would look outside of Earth's atmosphere. Also, at this time, 2 Canadian scientist were working on a theory about what dinosaurs would look like if the Stenonchosaurus dinosaur hadn't died out

It ends with the group looking at picutres that were shown in People magazine, the humanoid, and the Canadian pictures and they all look remarkably similar.

Strieber Grey Alien
Stenonnychosaurus human from the Dinosuar Museum Dorchester

Just found this while searching UFO working group.  Starstream

Sunday, July 15, 2012

She's baaaaack!!!

Well, I am going to try this again.  I am kiinda of excited  because I know so much more about blogging than i did before. I still have the book Out There and looking on previous posts I stopped at Chapter 26.  Here we go again 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Elmwood WIsconsin

These chapter talks about the UFO encounters that occured in Elmwood Wisconsin.  Some were not very freindly and gave pause to fact that most people assume that alien enounters are friendly.  They may not be.  It also documents on man's obsession about creating a landing strip for the aliens to come and land in Wisconsin and what a boon it would be to the economy of the town,
 On to Chapter 26.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

...back to our regularly scheduled program

Chapter 22 begins with a man and his dream. In this chapter Tom Webber has a dream about the people of Elmwood not welcoming the alien visitors that seem to be arriving at that town.  In the next chapter he goes to visit the mayor.
He does mention electromagnetism and I have always thought that the reason ufo are always seen near trailer parks is because of the metal. All that metal must give off a large signal and of course to add some more weirdness. Stonehenge is said to have been built where a whole bunch of electromagnetic lines converge.  Pretty cool huh?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Phew! It all works out (kinda)

Well, leave it to Carl Sagan to smooth things over.  It seems that both he and Senator Proxmire were both worried about nuclear technology. Carl brought up the L in Drakes equation and the senator realized that if there is an advanced civilization, that they have survived without blowing each other up and that maybe we could learn from them.

While reading this I recalled a book that mentioned how Jane Goodall would talk to people about their viewpoints and see  how she could help them meet their concerns without harming animals.  Blessed are the Peacemakers :-)

Chapters 18 discusses about how alot of the people on the SETI project, now that it was funded, were technologically advanced but didn't really have the passion. Basically they were engineers trying to solve interesting problems, not that they believed in the extraterrestrial being.

I also thought that this entire book talks about how we were looking for aliens.  However, I haven't heard anything about what we are doing to contact them. Are we sending signals as well? I hope that it least mentions this in the book at a later point.  Of course their was a section in Codes and Ciphers about this as well.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


proposing that we elimated funding for the project of SETI in 1981 because of funding issues. I am sure that the government used that funding for much more necessary items because we always fund welfare and Hud and we all now how successful THOSE programs are!!!
Back then NASA was able to look to the space shuttle program for solace. Unfortunately, where can the space shuttle scientist turn to now?

However, Drake added a new element to his theory in honor of the senator
P= How many elected office does an advanced technological civilization have that are scientifically ignorant?  If the answer is P=1, no need to waste your time :-)

Oh well. Maybe Chapter 17 will be more enjoyable.